Friday, December 15, 2006

ahhh ....... the female form. Artists have been intrigued by it forever. And for a lot of us the love of women draws us to capture that spark. Or edge ........ I have just recently started making these " lady " pots and they are a nice change from throwing - they start out as thrown but are then finished by hand. And each gal is different with her own personality. It's about time to start a couple more. They have been getting more life like as they go along. I may have to find a gallery that deals in erotic Art

5 1/2" ht. celadon glaze cone 10 reduction

Thursday, December 14, 2006

bread plate

7" diam. sprayed slip and glaze cone 10 reduction

My Logo ..........

........... was drawn by hand using a Sharpie on paper that was attached to my wheel. Eric Ott, who built my website then scanned it and made it red. I use it on my business cards and other two dimensional things. All of which are just as important as the pots themselves as they become associated with the work and the maker. Byron Temple is my biggest influence and he was known for taking as much care with the things that represented him and his work as with the work itself.

The spiral ..... it speaks of how clay is formed on a potters wheel and is a design element commonly found in nature. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Day 1 ..........


I have created this blog to post pictures of current work and to exercise the part of me that likes to put things down on paper ........ in this case via keyboard and electrons. As we know everything is connected and an interest in Art/Craft/Music, etc. leads to many fascinating places.

onward .............

piggy bank

piggy bank

wood fired bowl

wood fired bowl

wood fired sake cups

wood fired sake cups

About Me

My photo
Northwood, N.H., United States
I am a potter and musician, and in general a very curious type. My passions include my gal, Michele ( ma belle ),clay and music.