Tuesday, August 14, 2007


potters are a superstitious lot. there is so much that happens unseen during a firing that the idea of using a figure to watch over and bless the firing came into being long ago. some of us that fire " by the seat of our pants " still find the idea valid ......... and fun. those that fire with the aid of a computer program probobly find the idea quaint, and maybe silly. i have come to a feel for what is going on during a firing by observing the flame at the burner, the amount of backpressure that occurs when the spy hole is opened, the look of the exhaust from the chimney, etc.. you might say i need all the help i can get. i'm starting a collection of kilngods from every firing. they are quite small. the mexican looking fellow below is just several inches long.

and this cowboy - buddha is even smaller. he kept watch over the the firing before the most recent, and the mexican fellow the firing before that.

i fashion them just after bricking in the door of the kiln and they get glaze fired in the following firing. they have been good to me and i will post some images of the two most recent firings.

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About Me

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Northwood, N.H., United States
I am a potter and musician, and in general a very curious type. My passions include my gal, Michele ( ma belle ),clay and music.